Senator Murray Celebrates Second Anniversary of Historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Law That Has Sent Nearly $8 Billion to Washington State So Far

Nearly $8 billion in funding for WA has been announced so far from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, more than 465 projects in WA identified for funding

Construction employment is at an all-time high thanks to Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law includes key Murray priorities like her Digital Equity Act and Clean School Bus Act along with major investments in bridge replacement and public transit as well as a historic investment in salmon recovery

PHOTOS and VIDEO of Senator Murray celebrating Bipartisan Infrastructure Law investments in Washington state 

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, celebrated the second anniversary of the landmark Bipartisan Infrastructure Law she helped pass as Assistant Majority Leader in the last Congress. To date, $7.9 billion in funding from the law has been announced for Washington state, with over 465 specific projects identified for funding. That includes approximately $5.3 billion for transportation in Washington state—to invest in roads, bridges, public transit, ports, and airports—and roughly $366 million for clean water and water infrastructure. Washington state also received $1.2 billion to expand reliable high-speed internet and, as of today, more than 320,000 households in Washington are saving on their monthly internet bill thanks to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Many more projects will be added in the coming months. Additionally, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law provided $1 billion nationally for culvert removal, replacement, and restoration; $172 million for the Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund; and $207 million for the Coastal Zone Management Program, among other salmon habitat investments.

“Washington state has benefited enormously since the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law passed two years ago–we’re talking about nearly $8 billion in funding to expand high-speed internet, clean water, and public transit, and massively upgrade the basic infrastructure that enables people to get where they need to go and keeps our economy humming, and so much more,” said Senator Murray. “This was an incredibly consequential piece of legislation that has brought real improvements home to every corner of Washington state—and I’m proud to have helped pass it into law with a razor-thin Democratic majority in President Biden’s very first year in office.”

“From expanding the RAISE grant program that is so important to Washington state to investing in our ports and creating a Hydrogen Hub in the Pacific Northwest, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is boosting innovation, shoring up supply chains, cementing Washington state’s continued leadership in building a clean energy economy, and importantly, ensuring that no community is left behind,” Murray continued. “The two-year anniversary of this tremendously significant law is an opportunity to appreciate the progress we have made and remind ourselves of the importance of keeping up these investments for years to come.”

To date in Washington state, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law has awarded:

  • Over $1.2 billion to expand broadband access to more than 320,000 homes in Washington state. Overall, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law provided $65 billion to help families across the country access reliable high-speed internet, and the legislation included Senator Murray’s landmark Digital Equity Act that takes important steps to bridge the digital divide and digital skills gaps;
  • $3.6 billion for 423 bridges and 5,547 miles of highway, and other roadway safety projects. This includes nearly $227 million in RAISE grants—a massive expansion for the infrastructure grant program Senator Murray created in 2009 and that Washington state has benefited from enormously over the years, including receiving $133 million in funding this year alone;
  • $2.8 million from the Clean School Bus Program, and an additional $65 million for clean transit buses through the Low- and No- Emission Bus Facilities Program. The funding comes from Senator Murray’s Clean School Bus Act that was included in the Infrastructure Law and offers rebates to school districts to replace existing school buses with new low- and zero-emission models;
  • $366 million for projects providing clean and safe water across the state and improving water infrastructure. This includes $92 million for lead pipe and service line replacement, with another $88.4 million for safe drinking water investments that can also support lead pipe replacement; 
  • Nearly $41 million to build out electric vehicle chargers across Washington state;
  • Over $753 million to improve public transportation options across Washington state;
  • $332 million for Washington state clean energy, energy efficiency, and power projects;
  • Over $224 million to improve Washington state’s airports;
  • Over $219 million to repair Washington state’s ports and waterways. This includes $71.5 million for five port projects through the Port Infrastructure Development Program;
  • Nearly $467 million for investments into climate-resilient infrastructure for communities across Washington state. This funding will bolster resilience against the impacts of climate change, extreme weather events, and hazards like cyberattacks;
  • Over $9 million for legacy pollution cleanups in Washington state. These sites pose harms to health, welfare, and economic prosperity—and disproportionately impact communities of color: 26% of Black Americans and 29% of Hispanic Americans live within three miles of a Superfund site, a higher percentage than for Americans overall;
  • Millions for salmon recovery, culvert removal and replacement, fish passage restoration, and more.

To date nationwide, the Biden Administration has announced nearly $400 billion in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding, including over 40,000 specific projects and awards, across over 4,500 communities in all 50 states, D.C., Tribes, and territories. Those investments have enabled more than 21 million low-income households to access the internet through the Affordable Connectivity Program; started improvements on over 135,000 miles of roads, funded projects to replace hundreds of thousands of lead service lines; and launched seven world-class Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs with $50 billion of public and private sector investment–a historic leap forward in growing the clean energy economy across the nation. Thanks to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, construction employment is at an all-time high—670,000 jobs have been added in the construction sector since President Biden took office—and the two-year increase in state and local capital investment as a share of GDP is the largest since 1979

A Fact Sheet from the White House on how the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is delivering for Washington state is HERE.
