Newhouse Statement on Passage of Israel Aid Package

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-WA) released the following statement on yesterday’s passage of the Israel Supplemental Appropriations Package.

“I have been and remain a staunch advocate for Israel and her interests. The violence we have seen from Hamas in the past weeks is unconscionable and is a direct reflection of the radical interests of this group. I proudly cosponsored the SHIP Act and H. Res 798, both aimed at condemning these violent attacks and ensuring our allies have the resources they need,” said Rep. Newhouse. “In order to participate in a funeral service for my wife’s parents, I was unable to be present in the House Thursday to vote YES on the Israel supplemental aid package that I cosponsored. I am proud to see my colleagues working to support the sole true democracy in the Middle East and pass this vital piece of legislation. I am looking forward to continuing to lead the charge for our ally when I return.”
