Camp Creek Fire September 13, 2023 Update

Resources: 16 engines l 9 crews l 5 water tenders l 6 heavy equipment l 4 helicopters l 2 scooper aircrafts  

Current Situation: Yesterday fire crews worked to further secure the fireline and prepare alternate lines away from the fire edge. Aircraft supported operations with aerial reconnaissance, providing firefighters with the opportunity to assess fire conditions from the air. Fire activity was minimal, generally creeping and smoldering in place, and the fire remains within the existing footprint. 

Today’s Activities: Today firefighters will continue suppression actions to keep the fire as small as possible while providing for firefighter safety and protecting communities, the Bull Run watershed, and other values at risk. At the northern and southern edges of the fire, crews will continue securing the fireline. Mop up will continue where firefighters can safely do so. Crews will also be falling hazard trees that threaten the safety of those working in the area.  Where firing operations were conducted a few days earlier, heavy fuels continue to slowly burn out, increasing the depth of the fireline. Vegetation debris from fireline preparation will continue to be hauled away from the fire area. 

Scheduled Pop Up Events: Fire information officers will be stationed at a handful of locations this weekend to provide fire updates and answer questions:  

  • Friday (9/15): Hoodland Thriftway in Welches from 1 – 6 p.m.  
  • Saturday (9/16): Hoodland Thriftway in Welches from 1 – 5 p.m. & Jonsrud Viewpoint from 1 – 5 p.m.  
  • Sunday (9/17): Hoodland Thriftway in Welches, OR from 1 – 4 p.m. & Jonsrud Viewpoint from 1 – 4 p.m 

Weather: Temperatures will remain moderate today. Tomorrow warmer and drier conditions are expected, which will persist through the weekend before returning to seasonally normal conditions early next week. Fire activity continues to be minimal, primarily creeping and smoldering, with limited spread. The change in weather through the weekend is not expected to result in any significant changes to fire activity. 

Smoke: Current smoke outlook: 

Closures: Barlow Wayside Park and the Sandy Ridge Recreation Site are temporarily closed due to fire activity. Clackamas County residents can sign up at to receive emergency alerts via email, phone, or text.  

Restrictions: A Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) is issued over the fire area. It is illegal for the public to fly drones over or near wildfires because of the potential for accidents and disruption of suppression operations. Regardless of the fire, aircraft is not permitted to fly over the Bull Run watershed.