Video: 8/21 Goldendale City Council meeting

Video courtesy of Nancy Kusky of Goldendale TV. Please subscribe to her YouTube Channel.

The Goldendale City Council met last night in a quick half-hour session. Only two items were listed for council action on the agenda. In the first item, councilors voted unanimously to grant a nonexclusive right to use the city street right of way to connect to the city sewer. But when it came to the second item, a request to connect to city water for a home outside the city limits, the vote was to table the request until the council could receive more information about the city’s water supply. Several councilors expressed their concerns, which were best summed up by councilor Loren Meagher:

“The information we have been given is that the springs are producing less, the wells are producing less, we’re thinking about pumping water underground to store it, so we shouldn’t want to go in that direction until we have a better picture of our water supply.”

And under the report of councilors section, Dave Jones made a comment that bears repeating:

“I spent some time at the county fair this weekend — thanks for everybody that makes that such a success — I really appreciate the 4-H and FFA programs that we have here, You know, we’re fortunate to live in a community that values our farmers and ranchers, and our future farmers and ranchers. Without the future farmers, there is no future food.”

Councilor Steve Johnston had an excused absence last night, and City Administrator Pat Munyan was not able to be present for the meeting. Mayor Mike Canon said the exceptional amount of smoke in the area agrivated what the mayor described as Munyan’s “severe asthma.”