Chuck Norris settles lawsuit after claiming he was cut out of at least $30 million in Walker, Texas Ranger profits

At a time when Hollywood actors and writers are striking for a bigger piece of the profits in the days of streaming, the settlement of a Chuck Norris lawsuit over Walker, Texas Ranger underlines one of the strikers’ arguments.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, a 2019 lawsuit filed by the martial artist, actor and producer behind one of the most-rerun shows in the world claimed he was cut out of profits from Walker onstreaming and video-on-demand, or SVOD, platforms.

Norris’ camp claimed the alleged maneuvering from CBS and Sony Pictures — including reportedly hiding their own streaming profits — shorted him at least $30 million in profit sharing he was owed. 

The trade reports a Los Angeles Superior Court judge dismissed the case on Monday, July 24, when CBS and Norris’ camp agreed to settle. However, the settlement was not disclosed.