Klickitat PUD press release – Newell Rd 072423

Since the Newell Fire started on the afternoon of July 21st, the Klickitat PUD has been working around
the clock to ensure that customers have power, water and wastewater systems are operational, and
that our Renewable Natural Gas facility is operating safely.

KPUD staff has been in the field inspecting lines within the area of the fire, putting out burning poles and
replacing damaged equipment 24/7. The main focus is ensuring customers in or near impacted areas
have power, which means customers are able to run pumps and utilize water, it also keeps the lights and
air-conditioner on. As of Monday morning, July 24th, we only had five customers out of power and for a
very short amount of time. KPUD crews are on site to support firefighting efforts by de-energizing lines
when necessary and re-energizing them as soon as possible.

Additionally, staff prewired generators at water and wastewater treatment facilities near the fire area to
ensure continuity of these essential services during this emergency. To ensure the safety of KPUD staff,
we shut down the RNG facility when the fire was at its worst around the landfill. Thanks to firefighting
efforts, the threat to the facility was reduced and it was brought back online within 6 hours.

To support those working in the field, we have staff in the office and warehouse. We continue to plan
and guide system inspections to ensure necessary repairs are made, while keeping everyone safe.
Jim Smith states, “I am very proud of their dedication to looking after our customers.” He also
elaborated on the pride he has for being a Klickitat County resident, “During times like this, everyone
within the utility and community rallies together to address the needs of our friends and neighbors.”

Not all outages can be avoided, so customers are always encouraged to immediately contact Klickitat
PUD at 800-548-8357 or to report a power outage, customers may also log an outage within SmartHub.