Philadelphia’s potty poll: Name that throne and make a splash

Philadelphia is tackling its bathroom blues with a little help from the public. They’re asking residents to join the “potty poll” and help name their new restroom pilot program, which will install public restrooms throughout the city. 

“Hey, Philly! @PHLPublicHealth needs your vote to name the City’s public restrooms,” reads a June 26 tweet from Philadelphia’s Department of Planning and Development. 

The options up for grabs are Phlush, Philly Loo, and Philly Public Restroom.

The city has already settled on the restroom model for this venture. It’s been a hit in 20 cities, boasting durability, easy cleaning, and even crime-fighting features like graffiti-proof walls. This ADA-accessible wonder can accommodate bikes, strollers, and even a small entourage.

These public potties will grace six neighborhoods, starting at 15th and Arch streets, with other locations yet to be determined. Voting ends on Thursday, so don’t miss your chance to leave a lasting mark on Philadelphia’s lavatorial legacy.