Burglary Suspect caught in the act by an employee arriving for work, fled the scene and was capture by Sheriff’s Deputies who received tips from our community

On Friday, June 30th, at around 5:00 AM, the Hollywood Tavern in Salem was burglarized. An employee entered the locked business to begin working. The employee was startled by the burglar, who was wearing a mask. The employee fled the business and called 9-1-1.

A nearby Sergeant arrived within seconds of receiving the call, locating the suspect walking away. As the Sergeant approached the suspect, the suspect climbed over a fence and ran off. Other deputies, along with Salem Police and Oregon State Police responded, setting up a perimeter. A Salem K9 was deployed to assist with the search. Multiple citizens called in to assist by giving the suspect’s location as well.

After a 45-minute search, Oscar MacCrae (48), was captured in a citizen’s yard. He was taken to the Marion County Jail, where he was lodged on the following charges: Burglary II, Criminal Mischief I, Theft II, and Possession of Burglary Tools.

Evidence was located along the route MacCrae took in an attempt to avoid capture. All of the money, minus $0.20, that was stolen from the tavern was recovered and returned to the owners. The owners and employees were extremely grateful for the quick response and recovery of their money. Nearby citizens expressed their gratitude as well for the capture of MacCrae.
