Meghan Trainor reveals which Justin Bieber song she listened to while giving birth

In her new advice book Dear Future Mama, due out April 25, Meghan Trainor shares the details of her pregnancy and delivery of her son, Riley, including what music accompanied the experience.

In a chapter of the book shared with People, Meghan writes that when she was getting prepped for her C-section, her husband, Daryl Sabara, was outside the door. She says he was listening to “You’re Worth Waiting For,” a song she wrote for him “years before” that’s “never been officially released.” 

When she was in the delivery room having the procedure, she and Daryl were listening to Justin Bieber‘s “Anyone.”

“This version hadn’t come out yet, but we had the demo on my phone from the original writer, and we sang every word to each other, shaking in fear and smiling,” she writes. Justin’s 2021 top 10 hit includes the lyrics, “You are the only one I’ll ever love/ Only one/ Yeah, you, if it’s not you, it’s not anyone.”

Meghan writes that after Riley arrived and she was stitched up, “When … they put me on a rolling bed to wheel me to my room, I heard the weirdest thing: ‘All About That Bass’ blasting from another surgical room. I was still drugged as hell, so I started dancing with my arms and telling everyone it was my song.”

“I guess another mom had heard I was there and blasted my song to help celebrate my delivery,” she writes. “Whoever you are, that was iconic, and I will never forget it. Thank you.”

Meghan tells People that after the C-section, she was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, and kept having nightmares and flashbacks to the operation. Through therapy, she says, “I just worked through it. Time heals all.”