Governor signs Rep. Gina Mosbrucker’s Motorcycle Safety Education Advisory Board bill

A bill authored by Rep. Gina Mosbrucker to increase representation on Washington’s Motorcycle Safety Education Advisory Board was signed into law Thursday by Gov. Jay Inslee.

House Bill 1171 adds two certified motorcycle riders to represent motorcycle safety instructors, one from the east side of the Cascade mountain range and one from the west, to the board. The bill passed the House and Senate unanimously.

The board assists the Department of Licensing with public awareness of motorcycle safety, classroom and on-motorcycle training and improved motorcycle operator testing. The bill expands the board to seven members.

“This bill was suggested to me from some riders who wanted to make sure there is equal representation on the board from both sides of the state. If you’re riding a motorcycle in downtown Seattle, it’s a lot different from riding a motorcycle in Eastern Washington on those long, straight roads,” said Mosbrucker, R-Goldendale. “I grew up riding motorcycles and have my endorsement, so I was happy to sponsor this bill for them.”

The bill is the first of six Mosbrucker bills expected to gain the governor’s signature after being approved by the House and Senate during the 2023 session. The Legislature is scheduled to adjourn Sunday, April 23.

Photo submitted by Washington State House Republicans:

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