Changes to Vocational Rehabilitation dispute resolution process made permanent

The Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) program announces changes to the Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 582 Division 20 related to the dispute resolution process. 

Specifically, the changes included are: 

  • Clients have 30 days to respond to a written notice that VR plans to end services because it cannot locate or has had no contact with the client. All other notices of proposed action provide the client with 60 days to respond.
  • Rule content grammar was reviewed, and plain language used to describe the process. 
  • Legal references and names of forms and organizations were reviewed and updated, as needed.
  • All references of Notices of Action (NOA) were changed to Notice of Proposed Action (NOPA). This reflects the process as implemented.
  • Definitions for Notice of Proposed Action (NOPA) and “Unable to locate or contact the individual” have been added. 

The program made these changes in consultation with community partners and the State Rehabilitation Council. 

The proposed rules are posted on the VR Policies web page.

Updates to OAR 582 align with requirements of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), enacted July 22, 2014, (Public Law No. 113-128) and with state and federal requirements.

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