Newhouse Holds Central Washington Farm Bill Tour

YAKIMA, WA – This week, Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-WA) traveled across Central Washington to meet with farmers, ranchers, and producers in the agriculture industry to discuss their priorities for this year’s Farm Bill. He held roundtables in Quincy, Yakima, Sunnyside, Goldendale, and Tri-Cities.

“This week, I traveled up and down Central Washington to speak with farmers and ranchers about their priorities for this year’s Farm Bill,” said Rep. Newhouse. “Our nation’s producers provide the food, fiber, and fuel we use every day and we must do everything we can so the agriculture industry will continue to thrive for generations to come. I am committed to passing a Farm Bill that will help rural communities like Central Washington thrive and strengthen the future of American farmers who are struggling with high input costs, labor shortages, and supply chain disruptions that are challenging their ability to make ends meet.”


The Farm Bill is a legislative package that is passed roughly every five years that covers agricultural programs such as crop insurance, research, conservation, rural development, and energy to provide farmers ranchers, and producers the essential resources they need to feed America.
