Teenager keeps slamming bedroom door, so mom removes it

(NOTE LANGUAGE) A teenager is without her bedroom door because she had a penchant for slamming it.

A mother approached Reddit’s Am I the A**hole thread, asking if she overreacted when punishing her 14-year-old daughter.

“She slams her bedroom door on her way out and back in… Pretty much any time she enters or exits her room the door gets slammed,” the mom wrote. “And it’s only her door, none of the other doors in the house.”

The mom adds her kid closes her door with such force that it “shakes the walls and frequently wakes up everyone.”

The storyteller said she’s spoken to her daughter multiple times about it, but nothing changed. Things apparently boiled over when the daughter used the bathroom late at night and woke everyone up. The mom, who had to head into work at 5 a.m., said she finally threatened to remove her daughter’s door if it was slammed one more time.

Her kid “proceeded to yell at me to leave her alone and then slammed it 5 times as hard as she could.”

The mom made good on her threat and in the door’s place installed an “industrial type” curtain with “little Velcro pieces on the walls and curtain sides so it stays in place.”

Her daughter apparently had a meltdown. “She said we’re being emotionally abusive and taking away her right to privacy,” the mom explained, adding her kid is no longer talking to anyone.

Although the curtain will be up until the daughter agrees to stop slamming her door, the mom is worried she went too far.

Reddit voted the mom was not the jerk in this case and instead say the daughter got her just desserts for ignoring the multiple warnings.