Woman accused of switching perfume price tags has been scent to jail

Imagine buying Versace anything for a modest $2.98. Well, a woman tried to do just that with their perfume, but she wasn’t crafty enough.

KXAN reports a San Juan, Texas, woman was arrested after trying to pull the ol’ switcheroo on some Versace perfume price tags at her local Walmart. Police were dispatched to the location and apprehended the woman.

After reviewing security footage, police said the suspect tore off the perfume’s price tag and swapped it with that of a “gray cami.” The woman then paid for her items, bagged them and left.

Unfortunately for her, she did not make it to her car, as a loss prevention officer was hot on her tail. She confessed to swapping the price tags of three Versace perfumes, two pairs of Levis and a polo shirt. 

In all, the woman paid $17.88 and nearly made off with $260 worth of stolen merchandise.

She has since been released on $1,000 personal recognizance bond.