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Of course, among all the things The Grinch hated, other than Christmas, in Dr. Suess‘ classic was all the “noise, noise, noise.” 

But a new survey shows we non-green folks have something in common with the character whose heart was once three sizes too small: certain things really get our inner Grinch going. So let’s take a look at […]

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The White Lotus inspiring trips to Sicily

Just as the 2003 romance Under the Tuscan Sun inspired people to jet off to Tuscany, HBO’s Emmy-winning dramedy The White Lotus has folks looking to spend some time in its shooting location, Sicily.  According to the travel booking site Hopper, […]

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Winter Weather Preparedness

Olympia – Winter storms and extreme cold can cause dangerous and life-threatening conditions. Dangers include blinding wind-driven snow, extreme cold, icy road conditions, downed trees and power lines. The Washington State Fire Marshal’s Office reminds everyone […]