A quick-thinking police officer with some impressive lassoing skills saved the day when a pig got loose and decided to run all over the freeway.
ABC affiliate WATE reports the incident happened in Knoxville, Tennessee, where a hog somehow got onto Interstate 40 on Wednesday and raised a little hell on the highway.
Enter Tennessee Highway Patrol Trooper Coker, who responded to the scene. Unfortunately, he did not have any rope handy to tie up the hog, so he used the next best thing — a tape measure. Trooper Coker managed to lasso and also hog-tie the pig with his makeshift rope, thus saving the day.
The department tweeted out after the heroic act, “If you were wondering what that commotion was on I-40 westbound near the 371mm this was it. @THPKnoxville Trooper Coker saved a pig that was running loose on the interstate. No lasso no problem.”
For those curious, the pig has a name — Calhoun.