N_t Surprised: One in six Wordle fans play the game on the toilet

The word-guessing game Worldle has become a daily obsession for millions of people, so it’s probably not surprising that some choose a particular thinking chair to solve each puzzle: The toilet. 

That’s right: one in six Americans who took part in a survey about the game say vising “the office” is when they get their guesses on. 

The poll of more than 1,000 Americans that was sponsored by another mobile game, Solitaired, also reports 54% consider themselves obsessed with Wordle, with one in four playing multiple times a week.

More than 40% say they play the game first thing in the morning, probably so they can brag on social media about  to how quickly they were able to solve the daily puzzle.

Just 13% wait until lunch, and 22% say they wait until the evening. Of those night owls, Worldle seems to have become part of their evening routine: 26% of those polled say they play as soon as they get home from work, and the same percentage play just before hitting the hay.

Twenty-three percent say they try to sneak in a game at work. However, they’re not losing much productive time — on average, people can fill those letter tiles in less than seven minutes. 

For one in ten who can’t, however, they admit they’re not above cheating.

Survey questions, methodology and results have not been verified or endorsed by ABC News or The Walt Disney Company.