Attack and hurl racial epithets at the smoothie staff? That’s grounds for firing from Merrill Lynch, bro…

A Connecticut man is out of a super cushy job after going bananas at a smoothie shop.  

ABC7 reports that James Iannazzo was arrested over the weekend after he caused a scene at his local Robeks.  According to police, Iannazzo charged into the Robeks enraged that after he bought a smoothie for his son at the shop, his kiddo suffered an allergic reaction and needed to be taken to the hospital.

Long story short, his kid has a peanut allergy and police say James did not to tell the staff about it.  He did say he told them not to put peanut butter in his son’s drink, however.  There were nuts reportedly in his smoothie.

Iannazzo says his son is doing okay now, but he collapsed after drinking the smoothie and required two EpiPen shots before paramedics arrived.

Following his son’s trip to the doctor, Iannazzo stormed back to the Robeks and raised a lot of hell — screaming, shouting, trying to get into the employees’ office and chucking a smoothie right at a teenage girl behind the counter that struck her in the shoulder.  One of the workers recorded the incident and posted it on TikTok, where it went viral.

The employees began screaming right back, with one telling the outlet that it was out of fear.  The employees also say Iannazzo threatened their lives and began calling them slurs. One recorded moment caught him calling one of the staff “an immigrant loser.”

Although he may have been in full papa bear mode, Iannazzo’s actions did go against the law and he was charged with multiple accounts. 

It was later discovered that he works as a financial advisor with Merrill Lynch, but his employment was terminated after the video went viral and people began review bombing the company.