Charles Lee Keller, 45 years old, is listed as a missing person as of November 23, 2021. The Wasco County Sheriff’s Office, The Dalles City Police, the Hood River Police Department, Hood River County Sheriff’s Office, Sherman County Sheriff’s Office, Skamania County Sheriff’s Office, FBI, as well as family and friends of Charles have assisted in attempting to locate him.
Charles was last seen on the night of November 10, 2021, in The Dalles. Charles’ driver’s license lists him as 6’1”, 170 pounds with brown hair and blue eyes. Charles’ disappearance is out of character as he has missed work and important family events. Anyone with information regarding Charles’ whereabouts or where you last saw him if it was after November 10, 2021, please contact the Wasco County Sheriff’s Office at 541-506-2580.