Santa is that you? Santa hats spotted on college campus statues

Tis the season to be jolly, which probably explains why Santa hats were found on elevated statues at a college campus in England.

So, what’s the issue? People can’t figure out how it was done.

“A rascal student has placed a Santa hat on the heads of figures on St John’s College Chapel — so why is it my picture of the day?” local Photographer Martin Bond tweeted. “Take a look at the second picture and ask yourself — how?”

Attached was a photo of the Gothic-style chapel, which features gargoyles and other statues, high up on the outside of the building.

“Some people believe they were placed by a drone, but they definitely climbed up there,” Bond told the BBC. “I was told by a porter no key had been signed out, so they weren’t placed inside, it was done from the outside.”

It’s still a mystery how the Santa hats found their way onto the statues.