Public Health Thank You Day

Public Health Thank You Day is coming on Monday, Nov. 22, and we would like to extend our thanks not only to our staff and volunteers, but to the many community members who are also working tirelessly to protect us all during the pandemic.

Dr. Miriam McDonell, Health Officer for North Central Public Health District, said:

“I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of those who are keeping people healthy and safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“From the staff at clinics, schools and offices who keep our workplaces clean, to those who schedule appointments, answer questions and have become unofficial contact tracers, to the tireless medical staff and professionals who take care of us when we are sick and in need, you all are part of public health.

“Dr. Judy Richardson is one of those professionals who has dedicated her career to providing care and guidance to the residents of the Columbia River Gorge. I have had the good fortune to work with Dr. Richardson for over 20 years. Whether serving in her professional capacity as a primary care physician, as a volunteer member of the Medical Reserve Corps, or in her new capacity at the Oregon Health Authority, Dr. Richardson provides expert, empathetic care with integrity and diligence.

“We all have struggled during the course of this pandemic, no one has been spared. Thank you to the literally thousands of residents of our region who continue to protect, teach, feed, house, support and care for us all with courage and compassion.”

(For more information, please visit COVID-19 Vaccine in Oregon, contact North Central Public Health District at (541) 506-2600, visit us on the web at or find us on Facebook.)