Toronto police are on the hunt for… *squints*… a dirty diaper thief

Well, if you need your daily dose of what crime looks like in other countries — look no further than our neighbors up north.  Apparently, Canadian police are on the hunt for a nice young man who has a penchant for stealing dirty diapers.

CTV News reports that the thief has been striking a random daycare in Toronto as of late.  According to law enforcement, the suspect was seen lurking around the daycare “multiple times” before he helped himself to the soiled diapers in the garbage.

Police say the man is about five foot five and is aged between 18 and 22-years-old.  His chariot of choice is a black mountain bike.

Police are hoping the public can help them track down the thief — but, for what?  So he can return the poo-filled diapers?

Either way, that is the latest update from Toronto’s red hot crime scene.