2021, 2020 Century Farms & Ranches to be honored at State Fair

(Salem, OR) – Twelve farms and ranches from six different counties will be honored this year as official Oregon Century Farms or Ranches, bringing the total number of Oregon Century Farms and Ranches to 1,247. One Sesquicentennial Century Farm recipient from 2020 — a family who has reached the 150-year mark — brings the total of Sesquicentennial honorees to 47. The 2020 families will be honored with the 2021 families at this year’s awards ceremony at the Oregon State fair on Saturday August 28, 2021.

“Every Oregon farm and ranch has a unique history and special family story. The Oregon Century Farm & Ranch program encourages agriculture families to share, with a broader audience, these stories,” said Program Coordinator Andréa Kuenzi. “By promoting family stories, our rich cultural heritage is passed down to future generations while educating Oregonians about the social and economic impact of Oregon agriculture.”  
The Century Farm and Ranch families being honored for 2021 & 2020 are:

2021 Century Farm & Ranch Families

> Alderson Farms: Founded in Polk County in 1921 by Richard Alderson. Applicant is Dennis & Ron Alderson.  

> Barnett Farm: Founded in Polk County in 1921 by Martin and Tressa Conger. Applicant is Linda M. Barnett.

> Cruickshank Brothers Farms: Founded in Polk County in 1920 by David and Annie Cruickshank. Applicant is John W. Cruickshank.

> Norman Farm: Founded in Clackamas County in 1921 by John and Anna Norman. Applicant is Shirley Norman.

> Ogle Ranch: Founded in Lake County in 1919 by Clarence Wilson (C.W.) “Jim” Ogle. Applicant is James W. Ogle.

> R.T Gilliland Farm: Founded in Umatilla County in 1914 by Robert T. and Willie Gilliland. Applicant is Donald H. Bensel.

> Rueck’s Grandview Farm: Founded in Washington County in 1921 by George Sr. and Anna Marie Rueck. Applicant is Marvin C. Rueck.

> SC Ranch LLC: Founded in Lake County in 1918 by S.B. (Sol) Chandler. Applicant is Lytle and Tamara Ann Simms.  

> Timber Hill Farm: Founded in Polk County in 1920 by David and Annie Cruickshank. Applicant is Kenneth David Cruickshank.

> Welter Family Farm LLC: Founded in Marion County in 1919 by Albert F. and Mary B. Welter. Applicant is Welter Family Farm LLC (Tom Welter).

> Tucker Ranch: Founded in Umatilla County in 1916 by Eugene “Eaph” Tucker. Applicant is Samuel E. Tucker.

> Von Derahe Orchards: Founded in Umatilla County in 1914 by A.A. & Lois E. Bixby. Applicant is Von Derahe Orchards LLC (Mike and Chuck Von Derahe).  

2020 Century Farm & Ranch Families

> Blackman Ranch: Founded in Klamath County in 1919 by Thomas Walter Blackman. Applicant is Rodney and Virginia Blackman.

> Marx Farm: Founded in Polk County in 1920 by Julius and Luise Marx. Applicant is Merle Marx.

> Paysinger Family Farm: Founded in Yamhill County in 1920 by George and Lizzie Shelburne. Applicant is David and Theresa Paysinger.

> Starvation Farms: Founded in Morrow County in 1918 by Chris Moehnke. Applicant is Chris and Kathy Rauch.

> Roy Family Farm: Founded in Yamhill County in 1920 by Alfred Luke Roy. Applicant is Carol A. Roy.

> Ward Ranches: Founded in Baker County in 1919 by Levi ‘Clyde’ Ward. Applicants are Craig, Mark, Kathy, and Ralph Ward.

> JW Ranch: Founded in Marion County in 1920 by John Calahan. Applicant is John W. Wells.

> Fir Villa Farm: Founded in Polk County in 1911 by Solomon S. and Susan Ediger. Applicants are Melvin & Esther Ediger.

The Sesquicentennial Award program began in 2008 in honor of Oregon’s 150th birthday celebration.  Sesquicentennial awards recognize Oregon families who have continuously farmed portions of their original family acreage for 150 years or more. Forty-seven (47) families have now received this prestigious sesquicentennial award.

2020 Sesquicentennial Family

> Cooper Family Orchards:  Founded in Wasco County in 1870 by Robert and Mary Cooper. Applicant is David Cooper.

Please see the narratives of both the 2020 and 2021 families on our website at www.centuryfarm.oregonfb.org.

The Oregon Century Farm & Ranch Program began in 1958 to honor farm and ranch families with century-long connections to the land. To qualify for a century or sesquicentennial award, interested families must follow a formal application process. Members of the Application Review Committee review each application against the qualifications, which include continuous family operation of the farm or ranch; a gross income from farm use of not less than $1,000 per year for at least three years out of five prior to application; and family members must live on or actively manage the farm or ranch activities. Application documentation may include photos, original deeds, personal stories, or other historic records. These records help support Oregon’s agricultural history by providing valuable information about settlement patterns or statistics on livestock and crop cycles. All documents are archived for public access.

Award recipients receive a certificate signed by the Governor and Director of the Oregon Department of Agriculture. Historic roadside signs are imprinted with the founder’s name and the year the ranch or farm was established.

The application deadline for 2022 is May 1.

The Oregon Century Farm & Ranch Program is administered by the Oregon Agricultural Education Foundation. It is supported by a partnership among the Oregon Farm Bureau, the State Historic Preservation Office, OSU University Archives, and by generous donations from Oregonians. 

For more information about the families or the program, contact Andréa Kuenzi, Program Coordinator at 503-400-7884[email protected].