Study reveals best and worst foods to order on a first date

There are some foods that are probably best to avoid on a first date.

In a new poll of 3,000 Americans, the dishes most people wouldn’t order on a first date include oysters, mussels and sushi.

In terms of the “safest” date night meals, Americans said they’d go with pizza, burgers or a salad. Desserts like chocolate brownies and apple pie were also deemed risk-free foods.

The study, commissioned by French bakery experts St Pierre and conducted by OnePoll, found that 40% of U.S. adults look for a potential partner who is passionate about food. Meanwhile, 38 percent admit they’re turned off by picky eaters.

Researchers found that it typically takes four dates before respondents are comfortable enough to eat any of the “riskier” foods in front of a potential partner, and six weeks of dating before it’s “acceptable” to steal food off a partner’s plate.