Woman survives nearly two days in Alaskan wilderness while being chased by bears

Imagine getting a panicked phone call from your wife telling you she is being chased by bears…and then the line goes dead.

Thankfully, this would-be horror story has a happy ending because that woman was found alive nearly two days later.

Fina Kiefer, 55, of Palmer, Alaska, emerged from the woods after being chased off the trail by bears and was spotted on a road about a mile from the Pioneer Ridge trailhead.

Kiefer was injured and was transported by ambulance to a local hospital for evaluation, according to statements from the Alaska State Troopers as well as Alaska’s National Guard.

Prior to being found alive, Kiefer had called her husband asking for help after she said she was charged by multiple bears and had to use bear spray. But she stopped responding to telephone calls and text messages shortly thereafter, according to officials.

A search was launched with volunteers, the national guard and teams with dogs on the ground scoured the 13.6-mile trail and the surrounding area for any signs of Kiefer, while crews in helicopters looked from above. 

Kiefer told officials that she had seen the helicopters overhead but they couldn’t see her, according to officials.

In addition to carrying bear spray, she had waterproof matches and was able to start a fire on Tuesday night to keep warm. Authorities say being prepared for the unexpected is “critical” when hiking in Alaska.

She’s now recuperating, after only suffering an injury from a fall — not from a hungry bear. 

Chances are Hollywood is already writing a script.