Senate Finance Committee Advances Clean Energy for America Act

Washington, D.C. – The Senate Finance Committee today advanced the Clean Energy for America Act with a 14-14 vote.

“Today is a momentous day. For the first time, the Senate Finance Committee has advanced comprehensive clean-energy legislation,” Chair Wyden said. “The American people know the climate crisis is an existential threat and strongly support bold action. The Clean Energy for America Act would both put us on the path to achieve our emissions-reductions goals and help create hundreds of thousands of good-paying, clean-energy jobs. As we move forward with President Biden’s jobs and infrastructure agenda, our bill should be the linchpin of our efforts on clean energy. I look forward to working with my colleagues to finally enact clean-energy legislation to build a better future for our children, both in terms of the climate and economy.”

The chairman’s mark of the Clean Energy for America Act is available here, and modifications to the chairman’s mark are available here.

A web version of this release is here.