Domestic disturbance in Klickitat County

On May 9, 2021, at around 9:08 PM, deputies with the Klickitat County Sheriff’s Office responded to a report of a domestic disturbance, where a juvenile subject was armed with a knife, at an address north of White Salmon, in Klickitat County, Washington.

The Klickitat County Sheriff’s Office had previously been notified by the Klickitat County Juvenile Department of a pick-up order for the same juvenile, but the Sheriff’s Office had not been able to locate the juvenile prior to this event.

Reserve Deputy Tim Hardin, Range and Timber Deputy Cody Melton, and Bingen – White Salmon Police Officer Kate Daniels arrived at the scene and located the juvenile. The deputies and officer were able to remove the knife from the juvenile.

The juvenile made numerous statements about wanting law enforcement to shoot him and made other suicidal type of statements.

Deputy Randy Wells and Deputy Chance Laroue arrived at the scene. The Klickitat County Juvenile Department was contacted and confirmed the pick-up order was still valid. The Klickitat County Juvenile Department was advised of the suicidal statements including the statements he had made about wanting law enforcement to shoot him, and the Klickitat County Juvenile Department requested deputies take the juvenile into custody to be evaluated by Comprehensive Mental Health before being taken to the NORCOR (North Oregon Regional Corrections Facility) Juvenile Detention Facility.

When deputies attempted to place the juvenile into handcuffs, the juvenile began to resist the deputy’s detention. The juvenile began calling the deputies derogatory racial names, and told the deputies he was going to kill them. The juvenile was secured in the back seat of a patrol vehicle and transported to the Skyline Hospital in White Salmon.

Upon further investigation by deputies, it was determined the juvenile had been involved in a physical altercation with his girlfriend, but the girlfriend was no longer at the scene. Deputies and family members of the girlfriend searched for the girlfriend.

The girlfriend was eventually located and brought to the Skyline Hospital with multiple stab wounds. The girlfriend reported to deputies, she had tried to leave when the juvenile physically restrained her and stabbed her. The girlfriend was released by the hospital after receiving medical care for her stab wounds.

After being evaluated by Comprehensive Mental Health, it was determined the juvenile should be booked into the NORCOR Juvenile Detention Facility.

The juvenile was booked into the NORCOR Juvenile Detention Facility on pick-up order as well as charges for “Assault in the First Degree, Domestic Violence”, and “Unlawful Imprisonment, Domestic Violence”.