Firewood permits available on the Mt. Hood National Forest

This year the Mt. Hood National Forest will be issuing personal-use firewood cutting permits through the mail. As a community service during the pandemic, the forest will continue to offer personal-use firewood for free, but will require each woodcutter to have a valid permit. Each household may harvest up to 6 cords annually. Woodcutters can submit their firewood permit application by email or mail and the forest will mail out the free permit, firewood load tags, a Mt. Hood firewood map, and an updated information sheet. Please allow 2 weeks for mailing and processing time. 
Firewood permit information and the permit request form is available at: Following the White River and Riverside Fires in Fall 2020, firewood collecting areas are currently limited. Due to wildfire closures and restrictions on the Zigzag Ranger District, most of the west side of the Forest is closed to firewood cutting. Additionally, some roads might be inaccessible due to winter conditions.  To help ensure that Mt. Hood has a sustainable firewood program, please follow these guidelines:

  • Do not fall standing trees, dead or alive.
  • Firewood cutting of marked timber, or within timber sale boundaries is prohibited.
  • Adhere to IFPL restrictions and carry necessary equipment, including: saws equipped with a 0.023” or smaller mesh spark arrestor, a long-handled shovel with an 8” round point blade, and pressurized chemical fire extinguisher 8 oz. or larger.
  • Before going to the forest, go online or call the local district office for updated road conditions.
  • If an area is closed due to wildfire damage, it is also closed to all forest products collecting.
  • If you see illegal or questionable harvest practices notify the local district office.

Stay safe on the Mt. Hood National Forest Take a map, plenty of water, food, a first aid kit, and emergency equipment. In the case of an emergency, it may be hours before you are able to summon a rescue party. Let friends or family know when you are leaving and returning home. Remember, much of the forest is remote and does not have cell phone service.