Connecticut man proves why it’s never a good idea to lie to police

Imagine thinking you have the brains to outwit an entire police department and your car insurance company.  Well, one Connecticut man tried to do just that and, well — it ended with him being fitted with a nice pair of silver bracelets.

The Shelton Police Department made an announcement on Facebook Monday about a special brand of stupid — a man who called to report himself the victim of an armed robbery.

34-year-old David Manning told police “he was robbed at gun point by two men” who “stole his vehicle and his cell phone during the robbery.”

Well, after an investigation by Shelton PD, the car was found in the neighboring city… the day before the supposed armed robbery happened.  

“A subsequent investigation by the Detective Bureau revealed the vehicle was in an accident in Bridgeport the day prior where the driver fled the scene,” the department said.

The press release furthered, “It also showed that Manning was not truthful and the vehicle was in fact not stolen.”

So, Manning was charged with Interfering with an Officer and Falsely Reporting a Theft of a Motor Vehicle — meaning a pair of handcuffs were slapped on his wrist and, on top of a higher car insurance rate, he had to shell out some cash to be busted out of prison.

He is currently out on $5,000 bond and is due back in court on May 25.