Klickitat County Undersheriff Kallio to retire

Undersheriff Mike Kallio notified me that he will be retiring from the Klickitat County Sheriff’s Office during May of this year.  Mike has honorably served twenty two and a half years in Law Enforcement.  Mike has decided to retire and pursue private business opportunities.  Mike related to me, one of the major reasons he decided to retire and take advantage of  private business opportunities was based on the new Washington State Supreme Court decision which allows individuals to legally possess Heroin, Methamphetamine, Cocaine, Acid, and other illegal drugs for personal use.  In addition to the fact that State Democrat lawmakers are trying to  pass legislation to reform law enforcement policies and procedures on how law enforcement officers will carry out their duties. SIMPLY PUT,  the Democrat Legislators and Governor Inslee are trying to handcuff law enforcement throughout the State of Washington from doing their job in serving and protecting the citizens from the criminal element. 

In my opinion, I believe the new laws in regards to police reform will cause more law enforcement officers to leave the law enforcement profession which will result in unsafe conditions for the citizens we serve.      

Undersheriff Mike Kallio is a true Law Enforcement professional and has been a real credit and asset to the Klickitat County Sheriff’s Office and the citizens of our county.  Mike will be truly misused and we hope he has great success in his new business opportunities. 

Undersheriff Kallio will be on vacation during the month of April and the first part of May using up his occurred vacation time.

I will be appointing Klickitat County Sheriff’s Detective Tim Neher to the Undersheriff position once Undersheriff Kallio has officially retired from the Sheriff’s Office, which will be sometime during the middle of May 2021.

The Klickitat County Sheriff’s Office Front Office Staff will report directly to me until Detective Tim Neher is appointed Undersheriff.  The Front Office Staff will then report to the new Undersheriff.