North Wasco County Schools Open to in-person learning

North Wasco County School District 21 Board welcomes our students back to onsite learning in our schools. We are grateful to parents, staff and students for rising to the many challenges presented this school year. This on-going teamwork will help in our common goal of safely educating our kids as we finish the school year.

We want to acknowledge the many letters, emails, comments from parents, students and staff saying onsite learning was important, valued and missed. As a board we support our administrators and staff, both certified and classified, in finding the necessary ways to safely open our schools. Much also depended on the community as a whole to come together to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus. We have succeeded in lowering new Covid cases down to the point to safely return to onsite learning. Please remain vigilant in safety protocols to limit the spread and impact of Covid-19 in our community. We all played a part in this victory! We encourage everyone to do their part in continuing to defeat this virus.

John NelsonJose AparicioDavid Jones
School Board ChairSchool Board Vice ChairDirector
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Rebecca ThistlethwaiteDawn RasmussenJudy Richardson
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