Northern Wasco County PUD Donates Laptops to NCPHD Vaccine Effort

North Central Public Health District is grateful for the recent donation of three laptops by Northern Wasco County PUD for use in the health district’s vaccination effort.

The laptops are used at NCPHD’s vaccination clinics held at the Fort Dalles Readiness Center. NCPHD switched early on to a computer-based check-in system, which was only made possible by the donation of the laptops.

The laptops help clinic staff keep an exact tally of doses given. Toward the end of each clinic it becomes important to know how many extra doses there are, so people on our waiting list can be called to come receive those extra doses.

“We can’t thank Northern Wasco County PUD enough for the timely donation of the laptops,” said Shellie Campbell, interim director for NCPHD. “We appreciate the help and generosity of our community partners as we all work together to end the pandemic through vaccinations.”

“In February, Northern Wasco County PUD had three surplus laptop computers that it transferred to NCPHD to use at COVID-19 vaccination clinics. It was a great way for the PUD to help another public district with its critical mission,” said Kurt Conger, assistant general manager, power resources, for Northern Wasco County PUD.

(For more information, please visit COVID-19 Vaccine in Oregon or contact North Central Public Health District at (541) 506-2600 or visit us on the web at or https://wascoshermangilliamcovid-