Wyden Statement on Passage of COVID-19 Relief Package

Washington, D.C. – Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today released the following statement on the passage of the COVID-19 relief package:

“Democrats have succeeded in passing the boldest economic relief package in recent memory. Our bill continues the historic actions Democrats have taken on behalf of jobless Americans, sends relief payments to working- and middle-class families in Oregon and nationwide, cuts child poverty in half, and boosts the take home pay of millions of essential workers like grocery store clerks and home health aides. This package also provides critical aid to states, cities, and local communities to prevent massive budget shortfalls and permanent layoffs of teachers and firefighters. Democrats learned the lessons of the Great Recession, and committed to advancing economic relief that meets the unprecedented needs of the American people during this crisis. Our work is not over, and we will soon turn to rebuilding an economy that works for all Americans over the long-term.

“Bottom line, the American Rescue Plan took one huge step today to provide the ongoing help that Oregonians and our entire country need to weather this public health crisis and its devastating economic fallout.”