Naked Florida man takes over trampoline, eats grass and dirt while getting arrested

A Florida man who decided to relieve himself of his clothing and climb aboard a trampoline for a rip roaring good time ended his bouncy fun by being hauled away in handcuffs.

WBBH reports that 22-year-old Adrian Gonzalez went onto his neighbor’s property on Wednesday and began tapping on her door.  The neighbor, only identified as Yessenia, told the sheriff that, when she opened the door, Gonzalez-Bradley was butt naked and was not responsive.

About a half hour later, he began bouncing on her family’s trampoline and, in her words, started getting himself in the mood.

So,Yessenia called 911 — and, not soon after, Gonzalez flew into a rage and sprinted toward her door, demanding to be let in.

When she refused, the naked angry Florida man smashed her kitchen window — forcing the woman to grab her four young kids and lock everyone in a car.

Gonzalez was taken into custody and, as police brought him to the ground to cuff him, he began munching on the grass and dirt. 

Yessenia adds her neighbor is a known drug user and believes he was high as a kite during the whole ordeal.

He charged with criminal mischief of more than $200 and burglary — nothing on indecent exposure though.

No bail is currently set.