for Blind and Low Vision Washingtonians seeks information

Funded by a grant from the WA Department of Health, the Washington State School for the Blind began working on ways to increase awareness of and access to accessible resources related to the COVID-19 pandemic through the creation of the website.  On February 19, BLIND COVID launched for blind and low vision individuals to access resources relating to accessible testing and vaccine information in Washington. The website will contain information for phone numbers and accessible sign-up pages throughout the state by county as well as videos, podcasts and other resources to help blind and low vision individuals work through this pandemic.

Across the state, many people who use screen readers to access websites have been unable to sign up for vaccines or to obtain information regarding COVID-19.  Our goal is to identify accessible resources and gather them in one area for blind and low vision individuals.

Blind and low vision individuals are encouraged to share any accessible resources relating to COVID-19 via email to [email protected].  We are seeking information about accessible testing sites, vaccine sites, resources for dealing with isolation, travel, social distancing or anything related to navigating daily life throughout this pandemic.

BLIND COVID Access-line: Phone 360-947-3330 / Email: [email protected] 

For more information about Blind Covid, please contact Scott McCallum at 360-947-3301 or [email protected].