Statement from Acting Commissioner Cami Feek about unemployment insurance bill signing

OLYMPIA – Employment Security Department (ESD) Acting Commissioner Cami Feek shared this statement on the governor’s signing of SB 5061, supporting employers and workers:  

“On behalf of Employment Security Department, I want to thank Governor Inslee and the Legislature for prioritizing this critical relief and support for Washington’s employers and unemployed workers. This is the first bill Gov. Inslee has signed into law this session, indicating just how important it is to the economic health of our state, and we’re committed to delivering the changes in Senate Bill 5061.

“Work has already begun so that we can provide tax relief to employers before their next payment is due in April. As we progress, we’ll communicate directly with employers, so they have the information they need for their 2021 tax payments. And for unemployed workers, we’ll be ready to deliver the new, higher minimum weekly benefit amount as soon as it takes effect on July 1, 2021.”