2/08 The Dalles City Council Meeting recap

The Dalles City Council met last night and heard some good news about transportation in the region from Mid-Columbia Economic Development District’s Kathy Fitzpatrick:

“Klickitat, Skamania, Hood River and Wasco counties will be joining together and all will be offering a single pass that can get somebody from Goldendale to Portland or Goldendale up to Mt. Hood Meadows with the same pass and for a very inexpensive annual fee.”

And from Breanna Wimber of the Stratton Agency came good news about the city’s State Accident Insurance Fund coverage. Wimber explained that a large part of the city’s premium cost is determined by what SAIF calls “the mod factor.” It’s a rolling summary of the previous three years of experience. A mod factor of one point zero is considered normal. It doesn’t mean there are no accidents or injuries, just that there would be a normal amount for a city of that size, and she gave some historical data:

“In 2016, we were at a 1.47 mod factor. That gave a premium of  $231,000. In 2019 we had a mod factor of .98. We had a premium of $115,000. That is how much your mod factor affects your workers compensation premium. This year we pulled off, the City of The Dalles has a mod factor of .73 and that is exceptional.”

And during his report, Councilor Tim McGlothlin summed up a recent meeting of the Columbia Gorge Regional Airport board this way:

“Things at the airport are going extremely well.”