Mosbrucker reintroduces bill to help domestic violence victims

Rep. Gina Mosbrucker, R-Goldendale, has reintroduced legislation that would create a joint legislative task force to identify the role of the workplace in helping to curb domestic violence.

The bill passed the House and Senate unanimously last year, but became one of the 147 bills Gov. Jay Inslee vetoed in an effort to save money to address COVID-19 repercussions in Washington state.

“While the governor’s veto last year was disappointing, it was understandable, because we were just in the beginning of the pandemic, and we didn’t have the full picture of what the state would be up against, financially,” said Mosbrucker. “This year, we have a better view and I’m very confident we can move this measure forward to become law.”

Mosbrucker’s newest measure, House Bill 1315, would convene the same type of task force to explore ways in which the employer and employee community may help curb domestic violence.

“The workplace is often the only place a victim of domestic violence can go to feel safe and share in confidence what is happening in the home. Under this bill, businesses would be encouraged to look at the role they play and see what they can do to help those without a voice,” said Mosbrucker. “The task force would provide ideas, such as resources for employers, that could help provide greater protection to victims.”

The task force would be convened through the state Department of Commerce. A preliminary report with findings and recommendations would be submitted to the Legislature by Dec. 1, 2021. A final report would be submitted to the Legislature exactly one year later.

The measure has been referred to the House Labor and Workplace Standards Committee.

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