Gorge Commission first meeting of the year

The Columbia River Gorge Commission met for the first time this year Wednesday in what was mostly receiving reports and scheduling workflow for the year. A report from Forest Service representative Casey Gatz contained some good news for hikers in the Gorge:

“The Eagle Creek Trail, which has been closed since the Eagle Creek Fire in 2017, reopened on January first. And this included the Eagle Creek Trail itself, Wahclella Trail, the Gorge 400 Trail and the Larch Mountain Trail between Multnomah Falls and Wahkeena Trail.”

Gatz said the the past three and a half years restoration work has been under way with the cooperation of Oregon State Parks, the Pacific Crest Trail Association, Trailkeepers of Oregon, the Washington Trails Association, and the Friends of the Gorge. He said it would not have been possible without thousands of man-hours donated by those groups.