Pacific Power announces new grants to support Portland and Hood River organizations this winter

PORTLAND, Ore. (December 23, 2020) — As winter settles into communities throughout the region, ending a year that has brought challenges like no other, it’s the arts and humanities programs that continue to provide needed connection and healing.

Local organizations that deliver music, art, dance, theater and education programs have had to pivot during 2020 in ways never imagined. Many have moved to virtual programming to reach families and students at home and also broaden outreach to connect with communities of color and disadvantaged populations. At the same time, they are working behind-the-scenes to preserve cherished in-person programs so that they can return in the future.

To support these programs’ ongoing efforts, PacifiCorp Foundation, a nonprofit arm of Pacific Power, is donating more than $200,000 in new funding across the six states it serves to support the arts and humanities – along with continued needs by organizations on the frontlines of the COVID-19 response.

“Local programs like these are the heartbeat of Portland and Hood River, providing connection, education and tradition and helping to heal and strengthen our communities,” said Bob Gravely, regional business manager for the Portland area. “Pacific Power is honored to continue our support of these vital organizations, and we encourage others who have the means to support them as well, so their programming can continue long into the future.”

A total of 44 Foundation grants were given to non-profit organizations across Pacific Power’s service area, ranging between $1,000 and $5,500. The grants reflect the diversity of the communities Pacific Power serves, and the diverse needs of these communities during this time.

For the Portland and Hood River areas, the following grants were given to organizations providing vital arts and education programs:

  • A-WOL Dance Collective to support their aerial dance education;
  • Color Outside the Lines to provide at-home art kits for foster and at-risk youth dealing with the impact of COVID-19;
  • Columbia Center for the Arts to broaden access to online education and outreach programming during the pandemic;
  • Open Hearts Open Minds to provide musical education for inmates at the Columbia River Correctional Institution;
  • Oregon Historical Society to support their education programs for virtual and in-person learning;
  • Oregon Museum of Science and Industry for fall virtual programming to support K-8 students and families during the pandemic;
  • PassinArt: A Theatre Company to support their summer performing arts program with outreach to communities of color;
  • Portland’s Children’s Museum to build capacity in their Museum@Home program to reach marginalized communities during the pandemic;
  • Portland Institute for Contemporary Art to support their SPACE (Supporting Partners, Artists, and Community Events) program that works with community-led arts programming and activity;
  • Portland Symphonic Choir to support online content during the pandemic;
  • Portland Youth Philharmonic Association to help them bring their Children’s Concerts online for distance learning;
  • Young Musicians and Artists to provide low-income and disadvantage youth with tuition assistance to participate in the YMA summer program;
  • Oregon Ballet Theatre to support the OBT Moves distance-learning program;

Grants also given to these organizations providing additional community support during the pandemic:

  • Blanchet House of Hospitality to provide free meal services in 2021 for the local homeless community;
  • MicroEnterprise Services of Oregon to support scholarships to help entrepreneurs learn how to pivot their small businesses during the pandemic;
  • p:ear to increase COVID response for homeless youth, including meals, housing support and PPE supplies.

In all, more than $2.3 million has been prioritized in 2020 for organizations across the six states PacifiCorp serves, dedicated to helping communities with the greatest needs. Prioritization will continue through 2021 for grants that support needs around the COVID-19 pandemic. The next grant cycle is now open through March 15; organizations may apply online here.

Pacific Power also recognizes the ongoing support needed by customers, especially with the arrival of cooler weather. Customer care staff are available by phone to walk through account options and plans to alleviate financial burdens during this time. They can be reached at 1-888-221-7070 around the clock. For tools to help manage energy use this season, visit