USDA Offers Assistance for Proper Disposal of Depopulated Livestock in Oregon

PORTLAND, Ore. – (December 23, 2020) – Assistance is available from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to help Oregon agricultural producers properly dispose of livestock that were depopulated due to impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic. USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is accepting applications for the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) for the Emergency Animal Mortality Management practice through January 8, 2021.

“American farmers and ranchers – including producers here in Oregon – are facing some tough decisions as they weather the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic,” said Jason Jeans, NRCS Oregon acting state conservationist. “Through the Emergency Animal Mortality Management practice, we want to help producers make the best decisions for their operations and natural resources.”

The Emergency Animal Mortality Management practice includes four options for the proper disposal of animal carcasses, to include:

  • Burial
  • Carcass disposal other than burial
  • Incineration
  • Disposal at landfill or render

Eligibility Information

Agricultural producers and owners of nonindustrial private forestland and Tribes are eligible to apply for EQIP. Eligible land includes cropland, rangeland, pastureland, nonindustrial private forestland and other farm or ranch lands.

To receive assistance, both an application and approved early start waiver must be filed with the local NRCS field office prior to disposal of animal carcasses.

Additionally, producers must have farm records established with the Farm Service Agency (FSA), meet all eligibility requirements, and have application filed at the local NRCS.

Prior to payment, a mortality certification is required by a veterinarian or animal health specialist.

More Information

USDA Service Centers are open for business by phone appointment only and field work will continue with appropriate social distancing. While our program delivery staff will continue to come into the office, they will be working with our producers by phone, and using online tools whenever possible.

All Service Center visitors wishing to conduct business with the NRCS, FSA, or any other Service Center agency are required to call their Service Center to schedule a phone appointment. More information can be found at Your local service center can be found here: Local Service Centers.