Wyden Statement on the Broadband Provisions in COVID Relief Package

Senator Ron Wyden, D-Ore., released the following statement on the broadband provisions in the COVID relief package, which include his Emergency Broadband Connections Act, providing $3.2 billion to keep working families connected to the internet. It provides a $50 a month emergency broadband benefit for anyone laid off or furloughed during the pandemic:

“Broadband connections are essential for Americans seeking to get new jobs, and to access school, health care and other government services. Ensuring working families can stay online will pay massive dividends for kids’ education, helping people find jobs and jump starting the economic recovery next year.”

The provision is also modeled on the Emergency Broadband Connections Act by Rep. Marc Veasey, D-Texas. Wyden also applauded the inclusion of $1 billion in grants for Tribal broadband programs and $300 million for broadband infrastructure grants.