Survey shows people donating, volunteering because of COVID-19

 A new survey shows people are giving to give themselves a pick-me-up amid the gloom and doom of the pandemic.

The non-scientific poll of 2,000 Americans commissioned by Vitamin Angels shows that 75% believe the negative headlines from 2020 have taken a toll on them, and have also affected what they’re doing to boost their spirits. 

Nearly 60% of those polled say the pandemic has led them to give back to their community, with 78% saying doing so is “more important than ever.”

Forty-two percent of respondents say they’ve increased their donations to charities during COVID-19: on average, they’ve donated to four charities throughout 2020, giving an average of $36.47 a month.

Half of those polled are also donating to causes related to COVID-19, with 87% of that group saying they’re more likely to support charities that are helping women and children impacted by the virus.

Overall, 57% of those polled say they plan to boost their charitable giving over the holidays, to boot.

Other ways the poll revealed people are trying to lift their spirits included watching a favorite movie (46%), eating their favorite snack (46%), going for a walk (43%), calling a friend (40%), and snuggling with a pet (38%).

A quarter of those polled say singing in the shower helps them relax, and 19% even admitting to having a “solo dance party” to boost their spirits.