Wyden Statement on Nomination of Janet Yellen to Treasury Secretary

Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today released the following statement on Janet Yellen’s nomination to be Treasury Secretary: 

“There is no one more qualified than Janet Yellen to be Treasury Secretary. Having served as chair of the Council of Economic Advisors and Federal Reserve, there is no one with more experience to help pull the economy out of the ditch. Janet Yellen has long prioritized working families, and oversaw tremendous growth and falling unemployment during her tenure as Federal Reserve Chair. I am confident she will work to rebuild this economy with working families at the forefront.

“With the economy backsliding as COVID cases explode nationwide, the Senate must confirm Janet Yellen as quickly as possible. Secretary Mnuchin’s nomination hearing was held before Donald Trump was inaugurated, and the same must be done for Yellen, who has previously been Senate confirmed. When millions of workers are unemployed through no fault of their own and sectors of the economy are struggling mightily, there is no excuse for delay.”