Rabbits conquer Florida suburb, hoping for a hoppy ending

Florida, known for its sunny beaches and quirky wildlife, is now playing host to an unexpected army of adorable troublemakers: domestic rabbits. 

Fort Lauderdale resident Alicia Griggs has taken it upon herself to lead the charge to getting these fuzzy animals to safety inside homes, away from cars, cats, and the Florida heat, according to ABC News reports. Griggs is rallying to raise a whopping $20,000 to $40,000 to bring in a rescue group capable of capturing, neutering, vaccinating, sheltering, and ultimately finding loving homes for the estimated 60 to 100 rabbits currently hopping around.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has refused to intervene stating that these rabbits don’t pose an immediate threat to wildlife.

As for how they got there, these adorable invaders are the descendants of a backyard breeder’s ill-fated decision to set them loose two years ago.