Gator sneaks through Louisiana couple’s doggie door in the middle of the night

Former Arizona residents Don and Jan Schultz were no strangers to dangerous predators entering their house, but the couple, who had just moved to New Iberia, Louisiana were not prepared for the unwelcome guest they encountered in their new home.

The couple were awakened in the middle of the night by the sounds of their dog Panda barking, according to ABC affiliate WWSB.

What Don Schultz assumed was a prowler, was in reality a 5-foot alligator who had made its way in through through Panda’s doggie door.

Officials responded to the couple’s 911 call and grabbed the alligator with a catch pole and safely removed the reptile out of the home.

“We are real grateful for the sheriff and wildlife and fisheries which came to get the creature from our home,” Jan Schultz told the outlet. “I guess it’s off swimming in a bayou somewhere.”

The couple has since upgraded their doggie door so it will only open with Panda’s collar.