Expert says what your dog can — and shouldn’t be — eating this Thanksgiving

This may certainly be news to your dog, but it shouldn’t be partaking in every item on your Thanksgiving plate. 

That’s the headline from integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby, who has shared the recipe for a safe and nutritious “pawsgiving.” Because let’s face it, the holiday is stressful enough without cleaning up after a sick dog. 

Long story short, while you’ll be having turkey with all the trimmings, your dog shouldn’t be. 

Dr. Buzby notes five safe foods for Fido, however: cooked, unseasoned turkey; small quantities of fresh cranberry sauce — as long as it doesn’t have sugar or spices; plain, cooked green beans; equally unseasoned sweet potatoes; and cooked or canned pumpkin — again, provided it’s not spiced or sweetened.

On the other hand, the vet says these common Turkey Day foods shouldn’t be given — or stolen by — your pooch: unbaked bread dough; grapes and raisins — or foods containing them; rich desserts; buttered mashed potatoes and gravy — or buttery sweet potato casserole; and of course, turkey bones.