What’s in your pockets? What your #PocketDump says about you

You might not think a lot about the stuff currently rattling around in your pockets, but some people do, and showing it off has become a viral phenomenon. 

“Every day carry,” or EDC, is generally a military/law enforcement term about the gear they tote on the daily. However, civilians have gotten in on it, too, carrying with them everything from multitools to pens — just about anything they either will need or, more importantly, what they might need, in a given day. 

The EDC craze can be seen in the hashtag #pocketdump, in which people proudly display what’s on their person on a given day. 

Oh, and cellphones don’t count. Those are a given.

Taylor Martin saw a YouTube pocket dump last year attract some 345,000 views. His YouTube channel, Best Damn EDC, boasts more than 320,000 followers. It’s even spawned a merch line, featuring everything from Swiss Army-style knives to pocket slingshots. 

“You really can make a carry that reflects you as a person, and that’s one thing that keeps me coming back to this hobby,” 25-year-old Zach Demchuk tells The Wall Street Journal.

Another fan includes The Boys co-star Shawn Ashmore. He explained to the paper his EDC includes a pocketknife, wallet, pen, key holder and, sometimes, a flashlight.

One of his knives is a $400 Monterey Bay Sea-Otter: Yes, like any hobby, EDC can get pricey. Aside from knives, miniature tool kits, titanium pry bars and other dodads, you can upgrade to a sling or pouch if your pockets get too full — and some of those run into the hundreds, as well. 

However, when it comes to a #PocketDump picture, take care. People “will tear you apart if they think your stuff is cringe,” Demchuk warns.