Miller Road Fire Update
Sunday, August 7, 2022

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Friday, August 5, 2022

From the fire Facebook page at 2 pm
Presentation to the media. You can see the Video by clicking on the link below:
Thursday, August 4, 2022 9:00 a.m.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022 2:30 p.m.
Email: [email protected]
Wasco County, OR – The Miller Road fire was reported on Tuesday, August 2, 2022 in an area about 13 miles southwest of Maupin, OR.
Juniper Flat Rural Fire Protection District began initial attack. Mutual Aid was requested: Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF), Lane County Task Force 1, Klickitat County Fire District and Hood River Fire responded and worked throughout the night. They were able to slow forward progression.
Governor Kate Brown initiated the Emergency Conflagration Act on 8/2/22. OSFM Incident Management Blue Team began managing the fire on 8/3/22. Five Structure Task Forces and one hand crew were deployed on the fire. The responding agencies include Yamhill, Polk, Lane County 7, Columbia, Clackamas and Clatsop Counties. They joined day operations with Juniper Flat RFPD and ODF at 0900 hours.
This is a wind driven fire. The fire is burning in heavy dry fuels including grass, shrubs and juniper. The crews are currently evaluating snags along the perimeter of the fire and along Hwy 216. The primary focus is protecting structures and attacking the east and south flank.
As of this update, Hwy 216 is now open to traffic. We encourage the public to be mindful of increased heavy fire equipment in the area.
Dry conditions will persist today and this evening. Temperatures will range between 94-97, with low humidity; west winds 8-15 mph with gusts of 22-mph. Minimal relative humidity recovery overnight.
An evacuation shelter has been established at the Dufur High School, 802 NE 5th Street.
Wasco County Sheriff’s Office evacuation details can be found by visiting
OSFM Blue Team Scott Magers, Incident Commander
Estimated Size: | Estimated 10,500 |
Containment: | 0% |
Start Date/Time: | 8/2/2022 |
Location: | Juniper Flat, Wasco County |
Cause: | Under Investigation |
Personnel: | 123 |
Assigned Resources: Hand Crews: Engines: Dozers: Water Tenders: Other Heavy Equipment: | 69 Firefighters 60 Crew Members 24 0 5 0 |
Air Boss | 2 |
Structure Task Forces: | 6 Task Forces |
Injuries: Structures Threatened: | Under Assessment |
Structures Damaged: | Under Assessment |
Structures Destroyed: | Under Assessment |
Evacuations: Evac Info: Closures: | Level 1, 2 and 3 Evacuation Notifications in effect. Updated this afternoon ascoCountySheriff. None |