And the mother of the year award goes to … not this woman

When we think of mom fails, we tend to think of small things like mismatched outfits or accidentally swearing in front of the impressionable child. So, what do you call it when a drunk mom tries to change her kid’s dirty diaper on railroad tracks?

Commonwealth Journal reports 35-year-old Andrea Johnson was driving in Pulaski County, Kentucky, when her 2-year-old kid needed a diaper change. She pulled over on the side of the road to do just that, and onlookers noticed several issues.

One, she pulled over on railroad tracks. Two, she was taking an awfully long time. Three, it was 4 a.m. And four, she took the kid out of the car to change them on the road. So, concerned citizens called police.

Authorities said Johnson appeared intoxicated and charged her with endangering the welfare of a minor, as well as public intoxication.  

She was held at Pulaski County Detention Center while her 2-year-old was handed over to a family member.